
How to make an app like Discord

Discord combines the functions of a messaging app and a voice chat app. You can use Discord for communication with multiple users at the same time and with groups of people. Millions of users across the world already use the app, and it is continuously gaining popularity.

If you're going to develop a communication app, take note of Discord’s features and best practices. In our guide, you will learn how to make an app like Discord: find out about the must-have functionality of apps like Discord and discover tips on how to get started with the video chat app development process.

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Table of contents

Key takeaways

  • Apps for voice and video chats, like Discord, are based on VoIP technology. The market of such apps continuously grows.
  • Essential features of an app like Discord are channels, user roles, voice and video chats, file sharing, notifications, and messaging history.
  • The app development may be connected with challenges: tech complexity, data protection, moderation, and high competition.
  • Developing an app like Discord costs about $210,000 and can take 5 months.

Discord as a concept of VoIP app

Every time you use your device (laptop or smartphone) to call someone over the Internet, you are using VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol. This technology is implemented in applications with voice and video chat such as Discord, Skype, or Facebook Messenger. Let’s see how it works.

VoIP converts the user’s voice from a device into a digital signal and sends this signal as a data packet over the Internet. This data packet travels between your device and VoIP provider and then gets converted back into the voice.

How VoIP works

VoIP messaging facilitates voice-based phone calls using an internet connection instead of a local telephone company. The main benefits of VoIP are lower call costs, high call quality, and advanced features, such as call recording and many more.

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