Mobile App

To help you:

  • increase sales and customer loyalty

  • reduce costs through automation

  • improve customer service

  • quickly and cheaply test a hypothesis

let’s start developing your app!

Some facts about us

  • 50K

    positive reviews collected by our clients' apps in app stores

  • 300 projects


  • 3 months

    average release time

  • 5 years

    our longest partnership with a client

  • 180 members

    in our team

  • $39K

    average app budget

Ready to build an app?

We can’t wait to hear your ideas!
Contact us and get a free project estimation within 48 hours.

As simple as 1-2-3

  • 1

    We’ll schedule a call

    Fill out a simple form. We will contact you to schedule a call. If necessary, we’ll sign an NDA

    Fill in the form
  • 2

    Dive into project details

    Tell us about your project: what are your goals and constraints?

  • 3

    Prepare an estimate

    We’ll prepare a detailed estimate and a project launch roadmap

Now we'll explain in detail what the estimation process includes and what happens after.

Mobile app development process

This is our standard process for developing mobile, web and desktop applications. Of course, when it comes to web and desktop apps, we don't publish anything to the App Store or Google Play.

Project estimation

We gather analytics and dive into the context by performing market research and analyzing competitors. We create user scenarios and estimate the scope of work based on the client's wishes and requirements. This allows us to anticipate all possible difficulties and changes.

UI/UX design

We start by working out the app's internal logic — creating a mind map. Then we translate it into black-and-white wireframes. When the app logic is agreed upon, we create 1–2 screens from the main user scenario to determine the core style of the app. Then we work out all the details, finalize the mobile app design, and create a UI kit for quick and convenient mobile application development.


We divide the entire mobile app development process into 2-week sprints. This allows the client to control the development progress and quickly implement changes. Trial releases are made in TestFlight and Google Play beta testing to show how the application works on real devices.


To ensure that mobile apps work smoothly and bugs don’t creep into the final product, we test each project both manually and using automated tests.

Release and support

We know the ins and outs of publishing to the App Store and Google Play and always bring releases to completion. Our mobile app development services also include supporting and improving products after release by adding new features and fixing bugs.

What our clients say about us



reviews on 3 platforms


average rating

Ready to build an app?

We can’t wait to hear your ideas!
Contact us and get a free project estimation within 48 hours.

Experienced across a broad range of industries

We are ready to help both business owners and startup entrepreneurs. By building mobile solutions that back the brand identity and meet market needs, we encourage business expansion and MVP success.

  • How to build an app like Tinder

    Dating apps serve to connect people with certain interests — be it romance, casual sex, or friendship. The core functionality includes push-notifications, APIs, and match-algorithm.

    2 532 hours 5 months
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  • How to create a meditation app like Headspace

    Meditation apps have become a must-have to download on smartphones. People tend to allocate more and more time for this ‘breathe in, breathe out’. Be ready to create a player, set a meditation library, and add payment options.

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  • How to build an on-demand delivery app

    Food delivery services are mediators between a hungry customer and a restaurant. To release such an app, you’ll need to implement food catalogs, APIs, chat with push-notifications, and payment options.

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  • How to build a stock trading app

    A stock trading app is a user-end platform where stocks are being bought and sold. Onboarding, personal account, dashboards, trading functionality… Read our guide to find out details!

    2317 hours 6 months
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  • How to create a messaging app like Telegram

    Social contacts and established communication are super important attributes of our lives. With the help of chats, you can keep in touch with family, friends, find out the latest news, or make an appointment with a doctor. We have prepared a checklist of features from must-have to nice-to-have for your messenger — check it out!

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  • How to Develop a Peer-to-Peer Payment App

    No one wants to waste their time on making financial transactions. These are the things you want to do in 2 clicks — no matter if it’s about chipping in a gift for a colleague, paying a bill at a bar, or transferring money for work, it is easier to do through a single app. The guide to the world of financial apps, their monetization strategies, and key features is here!

    3 000 hours 8 months
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  • How to develop a social media app

    A social media app is a platform where users can communicate, create photos and videos, and share them. The most important features for such an app are profiles, chat, content creation functionality, push notifications — check the article for more

    5 200 hours 10 months
  • How to develop a marketplace like Airbnb

    A marketplace is a platform where users can trade goods and services. Let’s see how to develop a marketplace on the example of Airbnb: search, wishlists, chat, payments, notifications — read further in our guide

    2 800 hours 7 months
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  • How to develop an app like Clubhouse

    The Clubhouse is a social media app where users can find different discussions with experts, celebrities, and general people. Why Clubhouse is so popular? Let’s dig into the key features of the app: audio, invitations, push notifications, search.

    1 900 hours 5 months
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  • How to start a streaming service: Purrweb guide

    A video streaming service is a platform that allows users to watch movies, TV shows, and game streams in real-time. To develop such an app, you need a cloud storage, recommender systems, and a payment system — read our guide for more!

    3 500 hours 10 months
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What sets us apart from other agencies

Experienced in 46 niches

Fintech, IoT, marketplaces, medtech, real estate, TV apps and 40 other niches. This helps us dive into a project faster and offer working solutions right away

Help save up to 30% of your budget

We develop apps with cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter. This allows us to merge our Android and iOS mobile app development workflows, delivering apps for both platforms


We start working on a project within a week. If deadlines change on your end, we'll be able to quickly expand the team and release the app on time

Focused on the long-term

Your success is our success. We are interested in your growth and do everything to keep the app alive and growing after release. So far, our longest partnership has lasted 5 years. During that time we've launched and improved 3 client projects. One of them has reached a turnover of $5 mln/year

Get a project estimate

Our mobile development tech stack

  • React Native

    An essential mobile app development platform. It allows developers to build apps for multiple platforms, merging iOS and Android mobile app development into a unified workflow. With it, we can build both an Android and an iOS app at the same time, saving up-to 30% of the budget, and speeding up mobile application development.

  • PWA

    Progressive web apps combine native-like performance with the flexibility of a website. Mobile PWAs are quick to load and easy to update. They even support offline features.
    Because of its versatility, PWA technology can be used to build both an Android and an iOS app. Our mobile application development services include building PWAs to help you reach the widest possible audience.

Other elements include:

Other elements include:


let’s start developing your app today!

Contact us and get a free project estimation in 48 hours.

Our blog

Our blog image
E-commerce App Development Cost and Timeframes in 2024: FAQ
In this article, we explain how to create an online store app. Learn how much you need to invest in the development of a mobile marketplace and what features should be included in the first version of the app.
Our blog image
The reasons to choose React Native for mobile development
7 reasons to choose React Native for cross-platform development. Here, we explore why this framework is suitable for business and custom mobile application development.
Our blog image
React Native problems: how to overcome them
What pitfalls do development teams face when using React Native to create mobile apps? We'll tell you about the most common mistakes in cross-platform development and how to avoid them.
Our blog image
How to Build an MVP App: The Definitive Guide 2024
How to get your mobile app to market faster? By releasing an MVP, or minimum viable product. In this article, we'll explain what it is, in what cases a business needs an MVP, and how to create one.
Our blog image
What is mobile app hosting and why do you need it
We'll explain where developers send an app after development. Read our article to find out what hosting is and how an app can serve millions of users at the same time.
Our blog image
Presales and project estimation process: how to avoid mistakes?
How much should you budget for creating a mobile app from scratch? In this article, we explain what budget a business should expect, what factors affect the development cost, and how the cost estimate and project timeline can change.
view all projects


  • What is the pricing model?

    At Purrweb, we work based on the Time and Material pricing model. Our project managers carefully plan each sprint by setting up tasks and man-hours needed to finish a product. As soon as we receive an advance payment, we commence working on the product. Thanks to the Time and Material approach, it’s possible to supplement additional sprints if you want to scale up functionality or change the design.

  • How do you develop a startup MVP?

    If you need to validate your business hypothesis fast, we will deliver an MVP in just 3 months. We use the time to research a market, determine user needs, define development roadmap, and build a solution.

  • Can I get post-launch maintenance?

    In order to keep your entire software running smoothly and efficiently, we can provide cohesive post-launch maintenance as part of our mobile app development services. Once your product is released, our project managers will reserve work hours of a developer from the original team. Depending on needs, it may be 20 or 40 hours per month. These hours will be spent on supervising the code, keeping up with further updates and requirements from Apple and Google, and fixing bugs that may pop up occasionally.

  • What is a cross-platform mobile app?

    Cross-platform development is the creation of apps for both iOS and Android with a single code base. For this purpose, we mastered React Native development. There is also hybrid mobile app development, which also involves using one code base and combines web and native functionality.

  • Can I be sure there won’t be problems with releasing the product in the App Store and Google Play?

    The Purrweb team has considerable experience in publishing a product on the App Store and Google Play. Thanks to following the Apple and Google guidelines, we know how to get a product submitted fast and flawlessly.

  • How much does it cost to build a mobile app?

    If you want to get an exact evaluation for all features and UI/UX design, feel free to contact us. Our managers will establish a project scope, prepare a strategic outline, and deliver precise estimation.

  • Do you use any specific methodologies to deliver a product?

    We use the Scrumban approach — a combination of the most popular Agile frameworks. It helps to deliver the product in time and be flexible if any changes appear down the road.

  • What is a custom mobile app?

    Custom app development is creating a mobile app from scratch with unique functionality as well as UI/UX design. It’s included in our application development services.

  • Can I ask Purrweb to deliver a cross-platform mobile app, if I have a working web app?

    Yes! If you already have a web app and API, we will connect to the existing database and develop a mobile app that will be synchronized with your web version. Hybrid mobile app development is also an option — in some cases, it can even be more cost-effective compared to cross-platform development.

  • Who is on the team?

    The team line-up may change depending on the needs of a product, yet usually it consists of: a project manager, UI/UX designer, 2–3 developers, and QA specialist.