React JS Development Company

We get the best out of this framework to build desktop apps that boost creating powerful solutions with the most versatile JavaScript library


From a single-page landing to a complex multi-page service, every website or web app has a server side and a client side that are built differently. For the client side, we use React JS. This robust technology allows us to build web applications with high performance rates that users enjoy.

Becoming a React development company in 2016, we continue using this technology and gain more expertise in React JS development services. Let's see what it's all about.

Multi-platform scheme


React JS is a JavaScript library for building the client side of a web application. It's an open-source technology that Meta (former Facebook) maintains.


Supported by top industry players like Facebook or Instagram. You've definitely used some apps built with it.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Airbnb
  • NYT
  • Atlassian
  • PayPal
  • Netflix

Why us

Purrweb is a full-cycle React JS development company. Our team includes software engineers, UI/UX designers, project managers, and QA specialists.

Team working Team working

We can develop a web app with React JS
from the ground up to the release, including
UI/UX, APIs, backend and frontend development.
This is how we can turn your idea into a released
web app that users enjoy.

Team working Team working

Purrweb’s team has 9 years
of experience, which helps
us deliver quality products fast.

Team working Team working

As a React development company,
we aim to bring value to our clients by building
websites and applications. Here are some
of our web development cases.

Team working Team working
React tabels
Show Case
Carbon accounting platform developed with React JS
Our eco app is a web platform that helps companies to track the amount of greenhouse gasses and mitigate the negative effect on the environment. This solution brings value to businesses that operate in the EU and have to comply with local regulations. Besides, eco-friendly companies have better chances of securing investments and bank loans as well
as creating a positive public image. The platform provides a convenient way to record and store all the data and generates reports that a company can share with regulators or investors. The web app applies the standards relevant to the company's country of operation, which makes the reporting process easier for the company and saves money on hiring eco specialists. Our React software development company defined the platform's features, designed, and developed the MVP.
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A platform where video content creators meet with their clients. This is a content marketplace where everyone can find the perfect stock video for their marketing campaign, HR needs, or other purposes. Or even have a creator make one at their request. Purrweb's team defined the MVP, designed the platform, and developed it with React JS as the frontend technology.
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Mobile app
A web education service with skill-oriented results that one can put right into practice. Originated as an internal education platform, it grew bigger and now anyone can learn here or become a mentor. Purrweb's team designed and developed the web app and continue working on new features.
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Mobile app
A web platform for brokers and investor that helps define investment strategies and implement them. The platform offers a range of strategies to choose from with ratings and filter search. For aspiring investors, there is a vast knowledge base to get acquainted with. We designed and developed the web app and implemented React JS for the client side.
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react js
SEO friendly
React JS gives opportunities for enhanced Search Engine Optimization of websites and web apps because it supports Server-Side Rendering. SSR is a technology that renders app pages on the server side. This way search engines index the content quicker, which ensures better search ranking and ultimately brings more people to the web app.
Enhanced performance with virtual DOM
DOM stands for Document Object Model and it's a set of practices that structure web pages and their content. The addition of 'virtual' refers to a JavaScript object which copies the real DOM. With virtual DOM, we can save some page content to a user's browser and store it there instead of the server. This way, the browser refreshes and uploads the pages quicker and the overall app load speed increases.
Scalability opportunities
React JS has some design characteristics that help scale React JS apps easier. For example, the functional programming approach that helps store and reuse individual elements or pieces of code. React JS is also great for scaling existing apps if their stack is compatible thanks to integration abilities in its design.

Why choose React.JS

Reusable code
This feature allows ReactJS developers to write a piece of code (also called a component) once and reuse it throughout the entire codebase. Thanks to reusability, they can also combine smaller components to build larger, more specialized structures, like complex features or UI patterns — all the while saving massive amounts of time and effort.
Cross-platform design
With ReactJS, you can write code once and deploy it across various platforms of all kinds: web browsers, mobile phones, and even personal computers. This feature reduces development costs and enables developers to deliver a unified user experience across multiple platforms using just a single codebase. Basically, it’s the same reusability principle, but applied on a grander scale.
ReactJS provides a component-based architecture that empowers developers to build scalable applications. With features like props and states, developers can efficiently pass and manage data within components resulting in dynamic rendering and interactive behavior. In addition to this, Reacts' virtual DOM ensures that only the necessary parts of the user interface are updated, leading to optimized performance and the ability to handle complex UI interactions.
ReactJS features an extensive ecosystem with a wide range of libraries, tools, and community resources that allow ReactJS developers to leverage existing solutions and accelerate the development process. In addition to this, the framework boasts a large community and comprehensive documentation, which makes it significantly easier to resolve issues and share knowledge.
Ease of use
ReactJS is renowned for being a highly approachable tool. The simplicity of its API and the declarative nature of its syntax make the framework intuitive to learn and understand. And as we've already said, the extensive React community provides ample resources, tutorials, and documentation. This ensures that ReactJS developers can quickly find answers and solutions to challenge that may appear during development.
Getting started
You fill in the form and wait for one of our managers to get in touch with you. Then, you describe your idea and tell us what ReactJS development services exactly you need. If you’re having doubts, don’t worry: it doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or a complete beginner. Having a vision is just enough.
Project evaluation
We evaluate your project to tell you how much it'll cost — and how much time we’ll need to implement it. To do this, we carefully analyze the market and study key competitors, all the while taking into account the specifics of your business and your niche. Once we all agree on the project roadmap, we move on to design.
Our designers start off by defining the logic of the app and creating a mindmap. Then, they draw up the first sketches of the screens (also called wireframes) and send them over to you to get some feedback. If you approve the wireframes, we create 1–2 screens to test our design ideas and, again, share them with you. Once we’re on the same page, we finalize our ideas and assemble a UI kit. OK, so now we have our design!
Our ReactJS developers step in and begin to turn the designers’ ideas into a functional product. We highly value flexibility and transparency, so our teams follow Scrum guidelines and split the whole development process into 2-week sprints. By using this approach, we can quickly make any changes to the code without creating much technical debt. At the end of each sprint, we share the results of our work with you to make sure that you always know what’s going on behind the scenes.
Our QA team polishes the product by running both manual and automatic tests — this helps eliminate any bugs that the developers missed. Once they’re done, the app is ready for launch.
We deploy the web app to a live server and closely monitor all of its vitals. After launch, we continue to support the product by eliminating bugs and releasing updates.


React JS
Design & Development
Our design team has result-oriented experts who create engaging digital products. Implementing the latest UI trends, they don't forget about UX and users' comfort. Once the design finishes, it's time to code it. The design team works closely with the developers to transfer the designs into code effortlessly. Then the developers make it a digital reality.
React JS Consulting
Offering React JS development services, our experts don’t write code right from the start. First, we take time to analyze the future product requirements and business goals. We study the details that our clients share to come up with a logical strategy for the development process. We make the client's vision fit the budget and deadlines.
Server-Side Rendering
With React JS, we can make a server-side rendered web application. This helps to achieve better SEO rates and prioritize the app in search engines. Ideal for marketing needs, the server-side rendering feature brings value for users too. It enables the web app to load faster, regardless of the user's poor internet connection. Two birds with one React JS!
Custom Web Solutions
Template-based web solutions bring less or no value to users, with limited functions and copy-paste looks. No product can fit into a template if it offers unique and innovative features or if the product stands out from its competitors. We offer custom, made-from-scratch web solutions for businesses that aspire to win their clients' attention. And we also make Progressive Web Apps.
and Maintenance
After the web app's launch, the work isn't over. Our team will make sure that the product works flawlessly and fix new bugs when they appear. With the post-release support and maintenance, our clients know where to fix things in case something doesn't go as planned.
React JS Migration
When technologies get old and lose developers' support, it's time to move to something popular and regularly updated. With React JS, your web app will perform better and have fewer bugs. Supported by Meta and a vast developer community, this frontend solution is a solid choice for a long run. Consider side benefits of implementing the SSR feature for SEO-optimization when choosing where to migrate.

Other services we offer

Outsourcing doesn’t seem reliable? Try outstaffing!
Purrweb, as a ReactJS development company, has a pool of developers, designers, testers, DevOps, analysts, and managers. With outstaffing, you can choose any specialist from that pool and hire them to work on your project. They will effectively become part of your in-house team, focusing only on the tasks that you give them.
Tell me more


  • Is React JS a web or a mobile coding language?

    React JS is a JavaScript library to develop web apps and sites. It's easy to be confused with React Native, which is a mobile technology. They have similar names because they 'descend' from the same programming language, JavaScript. React Native is a newer technology for developing hybrid mobile applications that work with one code base on iOS and Android platforms.

  • Do you work with other technologies rather than React JS?

    As a full-cycle development agency, we work with other technologies required to build a fully functioning product. Our standard stack for web development is React JS for frontend and Node JS for backend. We have expertise in other programming languages, libraries, and frameworks.

  • How does your agency work in terms
    of process management and payment terms?

    We assign a team to your project with a Project Manager, who is the main point of your communication with us. The Manager keeps you updated regarding the entire development process, showing results and giving details on the progress, plans, and so on. We work on Time & Material contracts, which suit best the agile development that we practice.

  • Do you offer support and maintenance
    for existing products?

    Yes, we take products on post-release support and maintenance. We can help you scale the product and add new features. In this case, we'd ask you to share the code base to examine and offer development options based on our examination.

  • What is the typical timeframe for React JS app development?

    The timeframe depends on the app type and features it has. As our main expertise is MVP development, we can give you the statistics collected in the previous years. Usually, it takes 3 months to define, design, and develop an MVP. After this, the product is ready to launch. To get a more precise timeframe estimation, please contact us and we'll be happy to give you one.

  • What do I need to start working
    with you?

    If you want to start your development journey with us, just send us a message in the contact form below. After a brief discussion of your idea, we'll see if we need some extra info to estimate the project. It all depends on what idea you have in mind, and our managers will be glad to assist you with this.