
How to find the best React Native developers who will deliver project on time

If you're following the latest development news, you've definitely heard about the hype around React Native. Before you start looking for a React Native company, have a look at these tips that will help you find the best one.

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This is a very popular Facebook framework that allows developers to create native-like applications for iOS and Android. Without any doubt, this technology has received the perfect starting conditions thanks to such authoritative support. And it seems there is no way that things will slow down in the next future. React Native development companies and developers can take advantage of a range of libraries based on the React Native architecture. The contribution it has made to mobile application development cannot be overstated. 

Sounds pretty sweet, right? But when it goes to hiring a contractor for the React Native project, the challenges are all the same. Firstly, it is not easy to find a good team. Secondly, team-management is a more important issue than development itself.

Good news, it is possible to control all the processes and make the grade. How? Let us tell you.

Main skills the best React Native developers should have

Hard skills

best react native developers

  • JavaScript. It is a well-known fact that React Native is based on JavaScript, so every participant of your team should have a good understanding of this language.
  • Professional expertise. Javascript is good, but React Native concepts like Virtual DOM, JSX, or component lifecycle also make a huge difference. When hiring a React Native developer, make sure they have already built React Native apps, successfully delivered projects, and have hands-on experience.
  • Handy tools and technologies. Talking about the most important React Native tools and technologies, we can highlight Redux, ESLint, Jest, Enzyme, Sentry, Hockeyapp, Bitrise. They help you manage application state, validate code, ease testing, and improve workflows.
  • Navigation. Any modern application needs easy navigation. Do your candidates know or use React Native navigation?
  • Debugging and testing. Any application development process contains errors. Testing and debugging skills are what will help to get rid of all the flaws.
  • Performance optimization. When it comes to mobile apps, being fast is not an advantage, it is a must-have. Therefore, you need a team that knows exactly how to improve the performance of a React Native application.

Soft skills 

best react native developers

  • Cultural fit. Your contractor should share your values, regardless of one’s location, country specifics, etc. It is also important to understand the target audience in order to provide it with a decent app.
  • Communication. Developing any application is always a team effort. Good communication skills are the key to well-coordinated work without misunderstandings and costly mistakes.
  • Teamwork. Each link of the chain matters and even solo players should do their best for the team result. That’s why it is better to hire a whole unit than independent developers, designers, testers, managers, etc. who don’t know each other.
  • Problem-solving. You will definitely face some challenges trying to create a cool mobile application. Rather than panicking and risking your time and budget, it’s worth hiring React Native developers with problem-solving skills.
  • Time-management. Time is money, it is a common truth. Even the best developer will fail if one has issues with self-organizing and planning. Especially when it goes about the team, where people depend on each other.
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Hiring the best React Native developers: 3 approaches

In-house team 

If your motto is ‘If you want to do something well, do it yourself’, you can hire an in-house team. In this case, you will have to post vacancies (keep in mind that mobile app development is not only about the best React Native developers; you’ll have to find UI/UX designers and QA specialists too), conduct interviews, ask tons of different questions and monitor the entire working process.

This approach has both advantages and disadvantages.

✚ Pros:

  • Personal presence. You see your team every day, you can communicate with them personally, control their actions.
  • Motivation. When you know that people depend on you, you try harder to provide them with a comfortable environment.
  • Stability. In-house is something well-known and familiar. This is the approach that people have always used. If you are a good manager, it can be your comfort zone.
  • Team spirit. You meet with the team every day, discuss work, personal news, and project ideas. It fosters a motivating atmosphere and gives the feeling of a second family.

➖ Cons:

  • Recruiting process. It is not easy to find not only good React Native developers. You’re likely to know that mobile app development is not only about devs, right? Project managers, UI/UX designers, QA specialists are also involved in this process. You also need an office manager who will provide a comfortable atmosphere in your office. And an accountant who will pay salaries and keep financial records. If you want to get rid of these worries, you will have to hire a recruiter, which is also not easy. Each person who is involved in your project, requires time and effort. 
  • Excessive spending. The in-house team is waiting for an equipped office, stable wages, vacations, sick leave, etc. These are not the costs that startups expect. Especially if you just want to try out an idea by creating an MVP (a minimum value product).
  • Lack of flexibility. In-house work should be constant and continuous, because people depend on their employer. You cannot ask the team to wait until you find new investments if your budget is over, because it is waiting for a regular salary regardless of challenges you face. 


The second approach is working with freelancers. In this scenario you don’t have to rent an office, however, the point is similar: you need to hire the whole team — one by one.

✚ Pros:

  • Easy to find. There are a lot of platforms such as Upwork, where you can find a freelancer. These websites protect all sides and let them communicate easily.
  • Cheapness. You can pay hourly, for milestones or for the whole project, depending on your agreement with a contractor. No need to equip an office, provide the computer or take care of a vacation.
  • Good choice. If you are disappointed in a freelancer who turned out to be the exact opposite  of the best React Native developers, you can always fire one and find someone else.
  • Availability. It doesn’t matter where you are located, it is possible to hire a developer from the other country. There are a lot of modern tools that let you keep in touch regardless of the time-zone, e.g. Slack, Zoom, Trello, Jira, etc. 

➖ Cons:

  • Irresponsibility. Most freelancers live one day and accept the most profitable projects. Today they work with you, but tomorrow they devote most of their time to other clients.
  • Bad soft skills. Most freelance React Native developers are solo players who have their schedules, habits, etc. 
  • Micromanagement. Well-coordinated work and streamlined business processes are just a dream. You will have to constantly monitor progress, assign tasks, and schedule calls —  without being able to ask someone for help. 
  • Inability to pause. If you put a project on hold, a freelance developer probably won’t be waiting for you. Even if one is genuinely interested in developing this application, the specifics of the job require a constant workload.
  • Lack of team spirit. By hiring freelancers for all project tasks, you can get good specialists. These may be the best React Native developers, true UI/UX professionals, and really experienced QA specialists — but they are strangers who have never worked together and won’t be able to find a common language.
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React Native outsourcing is the most popular approach these days. No wonder, it has a lot of benefits. Especially now, when the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the future is digital. It doesn’t matter where your team is located physically if it is always here to support your brightest ideas!

✚ Pros:

  • Easy hiring. All outsourcing companies have their own websites with detailed information about their projects, processes they use, tech stack, success stories. You can also explore platforms like Clutch and analyze customer reviews. Agencies tend to value their reputation more than standalone freelancers, so you will definitely find a good option.
  • Cost-effectiveness. The outsourcing team saves you money. You get rid of a huge amount of expenses: on hiring, workplace equipment, and vacation. All you need to pay is the agreed hourly rate or fee for the entire project.
  • Access to experts. Companies like Purrweb work with top specialists who have tons of experience in a variety of niches — be it healthcare, logistics, or real estate. So, if you have a good startup idea, be sure you’re dealing with true pros.
  • Effective priorities. Instead of looking for employees and understanding their processes, you can focus on the business side: search for investors or analyze the target market.
  • No need to micromanage stuff. The project manager will take responsibility for completing tasks on time, regular progress reporting, coordinating calls, and other aspects of the daily routine.
  • Full freedom. First, you don’t have to think about the office, laptops and other team goodies. Secondly, you can change it at any time. If something went wrong, you have complete freedom of action.

➖ Cons:

If you choose a proven outsourcing agency that has the relevant experience, impressive portfolio, and positive client reviews, this approach will not bring any disadvantages. Of course, any development process is a small life with tons of nuances. But you have a whole team interested in the successful implementation of your project. Leverage this opportunity!

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How do you control your outsource React Native contractor 

Get reports

Good agencies understand how important it is for the customer to have up-to-date information about all the stages of the process. That’s why they provide regular updates on what happens during the project. At Purrweb we deliver reports on a daily, or sprint basis. You can discuss the most appropriate option with your project manager.

The more reports you get, the better: the best React Native developers will give you much feedback.

Optionally, they can offer setting up a time tracker — for instance, Hubstaff. Or you can focus not on the operational process, but on intermediate or final results.

best react native developers

Keep in touch and involve

The main advantage of living and working these days is that time and distance do not matter, which makes it easy to find the best React Native developers.

Yes, you don’t have a private office with a coffee machine and permanent employees. But you get a whole team of like-minded folks who bring their knowledge and experience to the table in order to realize your idea. You can distance yourself and check the overall progress from time to time OR be an active participant and take part in every single project stage.  The choice is up to you.

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